TMJ Treatment for Headache Relief
If you are experiencing jaw muscle soreness, headaches or migraines, or difficulty opening your mouth and sleeping problems, you could be suffering from problems involving TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint.) TMJ is the joint situated just in front of your ear; it is the joint you feel when you open and shut your mouth and move your jaw from side to side. Any problems with your TMJ it is called TMD (Temporomandibular Dysfunction). TMD can create the issues listed above: muscle soreness, headaches/migraines, difficulty opening your mouth, and sleeping problems. Our dentists for TMJ can help alleviate this pain and get you feeling like you again.
TMD has a few different causes. It can be genetic (did one of your parents or siblings complain about a painful jaw?), or TMD can actually stem from some habits you may think are pretty harmless. Do you find yourself clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth? This can cause your teeth to become worn or sensitive, and the extra pressure can make the TMJ strained or damaged, requiring TMJ treatment. As the TMJ continues to wear down or be strained, your lower jaw may hit nerves and blood vessels, leading to pain when using your jaw. At our TMD dentistry office in Tampa, a TMD or TMJ treatment plan can help with this issue, and our dentists for TMJ/TMD can help you with that treatment.